Thursday, June 13, 2013

Let's talk Groceries...

I've had several people ask about my grocery habits. To be honest, I'm a wanna be saver...but I'm making progress. I feel like it's a work in progress for most people. I desperately want to be a crazy coupon lady...I just haven't earned my badge yet. :) is how I do it:

First of all, couponing would be SOOOO much easier if I lived in a land with Kroger, Rite Aid, etc. However, I live in Walmartville, USA....also known as Northwest Arkansas. couponing is limited. I choose to go to three separate places when I shop.

1. The first stop is at Aldi. So...let me just tell you!! I know that there is this notion that Aldi is some tainted's NOT!! I stinkin' love Aldi. I buy amazing products at Aldi that feed my family and really, really, really keep our family on budget. My favorite items from Aldi are baking and spice items. They are incredibly cheap. What would cost you $5-$6 at Walmart only costs $1-$2 at Aldi. The quality is wonderful. When my shopping begins, I shop at Aldi first. I try to get everything I can there. I've also recently found the Aldi App. 

I love this thing!! It allows me to see what is on special that week and plan my shopping trip better. It also has the weekly specials on it. So, if for some reason my local Aldi is out of what I want or if what is left isn't as nice as I would like, I can use it to ad match at my local Walmart. A total win-win. Not to mention, it's a free why wouldn't you have it??

2. The next stop on the tour is my local Target store. I must admit that I have a secret obsession with Target. I love that place. I love everything about it. My wildest dreams would be fulfilled if Northwest Arkansas would build a super target. :) Anyway, my local target does not have all the groceries that some of the bigger cities enjoy. However, it has almost all of the frozen and dry goods. So...whatever I didn't find at Aldi, I do my best to find at Target. My favorite part about target is that they allow you to use a manufactures coupon and a coupon on the same product. This is how I saved so much money on the Colgate products we discussed on Saturday. It's simple really, get a local paper and cut coupons. Then go to weekly and print out their online coupons. Here is a look at what the website looks like

all you do is snip and print!! The other MUST DO at Target is the Red Card. I have my sweet friend, Betsy Dawson to thank for this one. Target makes two types of cards: the typical credit card (no, no friends...not a good idea!!) and a Target Debit card (this is what I have :). The great part about the Target Red Card is that you get 5% off every time you use it!! Not to mention, if you fill 5 prescriptions at the Target Pharmacy, they will send you a coupon for a day of 10% off. It cost you nothing, has no annual fees and come straight out of your checking account. If you want to save have to do the Red Card. 

3.The last stop in Grocery Wonderland is Walmart. To be honest, it's my last stop and I buy as little as I can there. The reason...Walmart is not coupon friendly. They don't double, they offer no specials and really...when things are "on sale" it's usually not much. My big success a Walmart comes from ad matching. Thanks to my wonderful friend, Erin Staples, I found an app that is amazing for this. It's called Weekly Ads:

You use the search bar at the top to look up any stores ad for the week. You can then use the add to ad match prices at Walmart. All you have to do is show the cashier the picture of the ad. Walmart claims you don't have to have the ad with you....however....every time I've asked for an ad match, they ask for the ad. Funny how that works. :) 

So...that's it folks...that's how shopping goes in my house. I've also become a new fan of You can get great coupons that are not in the Sunday paper. I'm also friends with a group called "Surviving the Stores" on Facebook. They constantly update with deals and coupon match ups that save big bucks!! 

Happy shopping my frugal friends!


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